John The Ripper, a room for learning about cracking hashes. Since I am a beginner in the field. Will try journal down the process if possible. Let’s crack it!
John who?
#Read and understand the basic concepts of hashing and hash cracking
answer: No answer needed
Setting up John the Ripper
#What is the most popular extended version of John the Ripper?
answer: Jumbo John
Read the information given and get the answer. Assume John is setup correctly before continue. Will be using the “John the Ripper 1.9.0-jumbo-1 OMP” and I am on Parrot OS.
#What website was the rockyou.txt wordlist created from a breach on?
Read the information given and get the answer. Assume using the rockyou.txt wordlist and set environment variable to $W_PASSWORD.
Cracking Basic Hashes
Before starting this section, we will need to download the zip file that contains 4 hashes text file.
#What type of hash is hash1.txt?
answer: MD5
Using the hash-identifier, we are able to guess the hash type.
$ cat hash1.txt | hash-identifier
#What is the cracked value of hash1.txt?
answer: [NO SPOILER]
Let’s John do the work!
$ john --format=raw-md5 --wordlist=$W_PASSWORD hash1.txt
#What type of hash is hash2.txt?
answer: SHA1
Same as before, run through hash-identifier and get the result.
$ cat hash2.txt | hash-identifier
#What is the cracked value of hash2.txt
answer: [NO SPOILER]
$ john --format=raw-sha1 --wordlist $W_PASSWORD hash2.txt
#What type of hash is hash3.txt?
answer: SHA256
Same drill.
$ cat hash3.txt | hash-identifier
#What is the cracked value of hash3.txt
answer: [NO SPOILER]
$ john --format=raw-sha256 --wordlist=$W_PASSWORD hash3.txt
#What type of hash is hash4.txt?
answer: Whirlpool
This time is slightly different, the second guess is the actual answer.
$ cat hash4.txt | hash-identifier
#What is the cracked value of hash4.txt
answer: [NO SPOILER]
$ john --format=whirlpool --wordlist=$W_PASSWORD hash4.txt
Cracking Windows Authentication Hashes
Before starting this section, we will need to download a hash file named ntlm.txt.
#What do we need to set the “format” flag to, in order to crack this?
answer: NT
Since we know this is for Windows OS. When checking the hash identifier. I use the lease possible hashs — NTML as assumption.
$ cat ntlm.txt | hahs-identifier
Then I try run the listing of formats to match John naming format.
$ jonh --list=formats | grep -i nt
Look at the answer format — XX. And there is only NT in John format. The answer is straight forward.
#What is the cracked value of this password?
answer: [NO SPOILER]
Straigh forward.
$ john --format=NT --wordlist=$W_PASSWORD ntlm.txt
Cracking /etc/shadow Hashes
Another download for /ect/shadow hashes. Named etchashes.txt.
#What is the root password?
answer: [NO SPOILER]
Read the information given about unsahdow and examine the file.
$ cat etchashes.txt
So I split the password and shadow into local_passwd and local_shadow files and run unshadow:
$ unshadow local_passwd local_shadow > unshadowed.txt
Then followed by:
$ john --wordlist=$W_PASSWORD unshadowed.txt
Single Crack Mode
Another download for Single Crack Mode section. Named hash7.txt.
#What is Joker’s password?
answer: [NO SPOILER]
In order to run the Single Crack Mode, we will need 2 pieces of the puzzle:
- the format of the hash; and
- prepend the username, i.e. joker before the hash, and separate them with colon (:)
$ cat hash7.txt | hash-identifier
$ john --single --format=raw-md5 hash7.txt
Custom Rules
Read the information given and know more about custom rules.
#What do custom rules allow us to exploit?
answer: password complexity predictability
Read the section and answer is right there.
#What rule would we use to add all capital letters to the end of the word?
answer: Az"[A-Z]"
The section already have information about appending. So
Az - append
[A-Z]- Only capital letters
#What flag would we use to call a custom rule called “THMRules”
answer: --rule=THMRules
The flag name is --rule
Cracking Password Protected Zip Files
This section is about zip cracking, so download the zipped file, for practice.
#What is the password for the file?
answer: [NO SPOILER]
We will first need to use zip2john to get the hash:
$zip2john > secure.hash
Then just pass it to John.
$john secure.hash
#What is the contents of the flag inside the zip file?
answer: [NO SPOILER]
The remaining is straight forward. Unzip the file and get the flag.
Cracking Password Protected RAR Archives
Same as the zip section, we will need the rar file, secure.rar for practice.
#What is the password for the secure.rar file?
answer: [NO SPOILER]
No brainer, just run rar2john to get the hash.
$ rar2john secure.rar > secure.rar.hash
Then crack it open:
$ john secure.rar.hash
#What is the contents of the flag inside the zip file?
answer: [NO SPOILER]
In order extract (e) the content of the rar and get the flag, just use unrar.
$ unrar e secure.rar
Cracking SSH Keys with John
This time is SSH. Download the SSH private key, idras.id_rsa to get go.
#What is the SSH private key password?
answer: [NO SPOILER]
In order to use ssh2john, we will need to tap into /usr/share/
$ python /usr/share/john/ idrsa.id_rsa > id_rsa.hash
The pass in to John and call it a day!
$ john --wordlist=$W_PASSWORD id_rsa.hash
Further Reading
#Update me..
answer: No answer needed